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Welcome to Out Spoken! Where everything is Right or Wrong! Join us, we are Out Spoken and we will be heard. We are Patriots, We are Christians. We are one voice of many that will not be silenced. This is our news and events blog for expressing our thoughts and opinions on our changing country and world. American or World issues. We are Americans who want our country back! Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are everything to our Freedom! We will not hide under a bush. We will not sit silently and idly by while our country crumbles beneath our feet for anyone. We are not conspiracy theorists. We are not racists. We are not here to bash any race, creed or religion. We are all equal & free men and women and we all want our country to be the land of the free.We The People Of The United States Of America will speak and will be heard! We will defend our Country against all enemies Foreign or Domestic! We will not run and hide! We will change the world, one voice at a time! Please join us to keep up to date on World & American Political and Religious issues.

Friday, December 20, 2013

How to win an argument with a liberal!


America's failing our daughters, A must read!


The nudity isn't so much my issue. Seeing your mom or daughter naked is one thing. But just hanging out in the hottub naked with your kid is. This mother's lack of morals is. What are you teaching your young ladies? 14 is a critical age for a young girl . Then you get pissed when you find out your young lady is a whore and showing everyone her breasts and more or they end up pregnant, then abortion may get thrown into that issue. GET THE F $@! RIGHT WITH YOURSELVES AND RAISE YOUR CHILDREN TO RESPECT THEMSELVES! LESS IS MORE, & EVERYONE SEES THE DECLINE OF AMERICA'S WHOLESOME GOD FEARING FAMILIES BUT SAYS THIS IS OK? THIS IS NOT OK! NO SHE SHOULDN'T GO TO JAIL OVER IT! BUT THE MOTHER IS NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE TO HER DAUGHTERS. NO MORALS. YES I'M PISSED, it takes alot to make me mad, but this post has done it.

Our future if homosexuality takes over!

Found this posted by a person on NBC comments, COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER MYSELF!  FL-1064284....Here are some ways that the radical gay extremist liberal Democrat agenda would bring destruction to our nation:
1. It would sanction fatherless and motherless households and condemn children to a single sex family with no female or male role model. This is proven to be destructive in a majority of studies.
2. It would open the definition of marriage to all variances such a polygamy, incest marriages between same sex brothers or sisters. child / adult marriages, timed marriages and even bestiality. I am sure there would be other variants besides these. "Marriage" would become a free-for-all mess.
3. It will damage children - most gays are very unstable people. The gay divorce rate in recent studies is over 100 times the divorce rate of heterosexual divorces. This is the very definition of instability
4. The radical gay extremist liberal Democrat world view of "morality" would be legally FORCED on everyone who does not agree with their morality. You would be forced to teach your children what they tell you to teach them - I repeat you would be FORCED to teach your children what gay dictators told you to teach them.
5. Christian pastors would be arrested for preaching the Bible - this is happening in Canada. So there would be no freedom of religion and no freedom of conscious for Christians (and Muslims for that matter). The radical gay liberal extremists would be able to dictate what pastors taught in their churches - you know like Hitler did after he put 4 million Christians in concentration camps.
6. Your children would be taught that "they might be gay" and that they should "explore their sexuality." In other words the radical gay extremists would FORCE THEIR MORALITY DOWN YOUR CHILDREN'S THROATS and you will not be able to do a damn thing about it.
7. The laws we have in place for marriage benefits and worker benefits would undergo radical changes costing tax payers billions of dollars and increasing the national debt. Virtually any two people will be able to claim marriage benefits simply by claiming they are gay or bi-sexual which will produce catastrophic fraud with both business and government benefits. For example, two heterosexual male roommates could get “married” in order to claim partner benefits from the company that one of them worked at while maintaining relationships with girlfriends and just claim they are “bisexual.”
8. Christian businesses and individuals will be sued if they stay true to God and their morals and do not support gay marriage. Eventually, courts may even put Christians in jail for not compromising their morals and their faith in God.
9. The homosexual extremists will you lawsuits and liberal judges to avoid a democrat vote of American people. Where they lose under a constitutional vote they will try to use judges who have no respect for the Constitution. This has already occurred in several states.There is a current case where a Christian photographer refused to be the photographer at a gay wedding because it violates Biblical morals and their religious beliefs. The radical, extremist homosexuals sued the business even though there were numerous other photographers who would have shot the wedding.
Recently the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that the Christian business must compromise their deeply held beliefs and faith in God to appease the radical demands of the homosexual extremists. This is just one example the radical, homosexual extremists raping and forcing their immorality off on others who don’t agree with them.These are just a few examples of the catastrophic destruction the legalization of gay marriage would bring and is bringing on our country. A lot more will surface.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Journey to Bethlehem! Church on the Rock. Berea, Ky.

Journey to Bethlehem Drive-thru Nativity is a main event this time of year at Church On The Rock in Berea, Kentucky. This Christmas season 2013 is the second year in which this Christ-inspired setup has taken place. The event is setup to show you what the environment was like in the time that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born. The “little town of Bethlehem” is setup like a market with Potters, Blacksmiths and the Market Merchants of Jesus’ time. There were many things going on in this little town on the night that Mary and Joseph sought shelter in the stables to make ready for their coming son, the Lamb of God.
This Nativity will take place on the nights of December 6 through December 8 between the hours of 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Cars will line the road into the parking lot of Church on the Rock to see this little town of Bethlehem, all of the people and get an inside look of the events taking place. When you enter the Marketplace you will be handed a warm cup of cider by the townspeople and greeted with the warmth and love that the little baby Jesus felt when he entered this world and welcomed by the dedicated participants all decked out in their garments as the townspeople of Bethlehem. Drive right through the Marketplace and see the merchants, make a stop to see Mary, Joseph and their newborn Son and then as you leave, be serenaded by a Host of Heavenly Angels singing carols to keep you cheerful as you make your way home.
The Drive-Thru Nativity is a sight to be seen and everyone is welcome to come behold the sights. If you’ve ever wondered what events took place on the night Jesus Christ was born, come to Church on the Rock and see what awaits for you in Bethlehem; without even having to leave your vehicle!

Check us out later at : outspokenpatriotsck on Facebook, +OutSpoken with Curtis and Kelsey on Google Plus, @outspokenck on Twitter for Pics and Videos of the event.
Have a Blessed Christmas and a safe New Year!
Neshai Brown
Events Editor for Out Spoken Patriots With Curtis & Kelsey