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Monday, April 20, 2015

10 Hillary Clinton Scandals You Should Never Forget

Hillary Clinton has been involved in scandals before. Here are some notable ones you may have forgotten.

Chinagate - The Clinton-Gore campaign in 1996 allegedly took bribes from Chinese banks and their government to help their dwindling poll numbers. The Chinese embassy in D.C. helped siphon funds into the DNC. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown (who was killed in a plane crash), and at Hillary’s instructionreportedly sold seats on department trade missions to China. Joint congressional hearings were canceled after Democrats threatened to bring up Republican campaign issues and then Monica Lewinsky actually saved this scandal from media attention. 

Travelgate Scandal - Catherine Cornelius, a 25-year-old cousin of Bill's was allegedly promised the position of director of the travel office. Hillary Clinton then (indirectly) fired seven employees from the United States travel office and replaced them with associates from Arkansas. Records were either nowhere to be found or incorrectly filed. And, there's a reported attempt to give a White House airline contract to friend. Hillary had the FBI investigate Billy Dale, the head of the travel office, ruining his career who was found to do nothing wrong, but was then audited by the IRS for three years after.

"Billy Dale and his family went through hell thanks to the Clintons, Attorney General Janet Reno, the FBI and the IRS," Irvine wrote. "Hillary's greatest crime was not perjury, it was trying to send an innocent man to prison to justify having fired him and his staff without cause."

“A memorandum by a former Presidential aide depicts Hillary Rodham Clinton as the central figure in the 1993 travel office dismissals, a politically damaging episode that the aide said had resulted from a climate of fear in which officials did not dare question Mrs. Clinton's wishes," wrote the NYT in 1996.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners,  James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

Vince Foster Jr. Mystery - Questions cloud the suicide of Vince Foster, former colleague, friend, and White House aid  of Hillary’s who had connections to Travelgate, and the Whitewater scandals. Read the link above entitled "The Man Who Knew too Much. . ." 

Filegate Scandal - Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security "improperly" accessed FBI files on several hundred individuals.

Mrs. Clinton called it a, "completely honest bureaucratic snafu."

Many of these files were on people from previous Republican administrations. Hillary Clinton hired Livingston and is alleged to have looked at the files and requested this move. She was accused by Republicans of  violating privacy rights of individuals she viewed as politicaladversaries.

Cattle-Futures Miracle - Hillary’sfirst commodity trade was in cattle futures where she ordered 10 futures contracts which normally cost $12,000 dollars with only $1,000 dollars in her account. This turned into $6,300 dollars by the next morning and after 10 months totaled $100,000, with trading help from James B. Blair.

“Blair, who at the time was outside counsel to Tyson Foods Inc., Arkansas' largest employer, says he was advising Clinton out of friendship, not to seek political gain. . ."  reportsThe WashingtonPost. 

Robert L. "Red" Bone ran the Springdale, AK financial services company REFCO allowed the trades and later, after investigation, had to pay the largest fine at the time in the exchanges history and was suspended for three years. Hillary Clinton said she was able to make the successful trading because she read the Wall Street Journal for research.

Lootergate - Bill and especially Hillary started to ship White House furniture to their personal home in Chappaqua, N.Y.. The Clintons claimed they were donated, but at only some were proven to be donated and meant to stay in the White House after contacting the manufacturers. The Clintons returned some of the furniture after pressure was put on them to do so.

“GOP lawmakers and others criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton in particular for accepting many presents just before she joined the Senate and became covered by strict ethics rules that prohibit accepting gifts worth more than $50.”

Drug Dealer Donor Scandal -Convicted drug trafficker Jorge Cabrera apparently made such a big donation to the Clinton’s campaign that he was invited to the White house without Secret Service present.

Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal - Norman Yung Yuen Hsu was a convicted pyramid investment promoter, and major Democratic donor. He contributed an undisclosed amount to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign. 

“He was sentenced to more than 24 years in prison in 2009 by a judge who accused him of funding his fraud by manipulating the political process in a way that 'strikes at the very core of our democracy.”

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Lawsuit: Pittsburgh Public Schools should have known officer was abusing boys

Pittsburgh Public Schools and two former school officials should have noticed that former school police officer Robert Lellock was repeatedly taking boys out of classes to sexually assault them in a janitor's closet, one of Lellock's victims claims in a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday.

“They were charged with the welfare and protection of the children entrusted to them, and they failed these children repeatedly and systematically by turning a blind eye to the obvious signs of abuse being perpetrated by defendant Lellock,” the lawsuit says.

The Tribune-Review doesn't name the victims of sexual assaults.

The man, now 29, says Lellock, 46, of Beltzhoover took him out of class more than two dozen times in the 1998-99 school year at Arthur J. Rooney Middle School in Brighton Heights. He did the same with up to 21 other boys that same year, the lawsuit says.

The victim claims Lellock wasn't authorized to remove students from class, and that should have led teachers and administrators to look into what he was doing.

“Not a single teacher reported him, or even questioned him. Not a single teacher made an inquiry to the office,” the lawsuit says. “This speaks of a failure of training and policy of an unbelievable and conscience shocking level.”

Pennsylvania law gives the victims of child sexual abuse until their 30th birthday to file civil lawsuits over the assaults.

Lawyers for the victim waited to file the lawsuit to give him the best chance of winning, said Robert Peirce, one of his lawyers.

“We wanted to make sure that it was fully researched and that our client was prepared to proceed considering how traumatically these events have impacted his life,” he said.

He is suing Lellock, the school district, former superintendent Dale Frederick and former principal Ronald Zangaro.

An Allegheny County jury convicted Lellock in 2013 on 13 charges, including endangering the welfare of children, corrupting minors and indecent assault. He is serving a sentence of 32 to 64 years in state prison.

There was no phone listing for Zangaro. Frederick declined comment.

“We'll certainly review it and take appropriate action,” said Ira Weiss, the district's solicitor.

A federal judge in March 2014 dismissed the district and everyone except Lellock from another victim's lawsuit.

Lellock worked in the district from 1990 until the school board suspended him with pay in July 2012 and accepted his resignation two months later.

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Australia Calls For World To Pray and Fast for America

We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of America and pray for healing for the USA through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II." -Alison Jessup

(Australia) - The team behind Australia's National Day of Prayer and Fasting, along  with other prayer leaders are calling the nations of the world to prayer and fasting for seven days for USA. This period of prayer will take place from April 30 - May 6, 2015.

April 30 is America's National Day of Repentance, and May 7 is the 64th Annual National Day of Prayer.

Warwick Marsh, Australian coordinator, said, "April 30 is the 226th anniversary of George Washington's inauguration as a devout Christian president and the 152nd anniversary of Lincoln's Day of 'Humiliation, Prayer and Fasting' held during the devastating times of the Civil War. The theme for the USA National Day of Prayer on 7 May, 2015 'Lord Hear Our Cry' is taken from 1 Kings 8:28: 'Give attention to your servant's prayer and his pleas for mercy, Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.'"

Alison Jessup from Australia said, "We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of America and pray for healing for the USA through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II. The 1942 Battle of the Coral Sea, led by the USA, was the turning point in the Second World War for Australia."

Matt Prater from Australia said, "We are calling the nations of the world to join in prayer and fasting with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the USA. Last year we had people from over 40 nations join with us. This year we are believing for over 100 nations to join us in prayer and fasting for the USA."

And Lana Vawser from Australia said, "There is a fight for the destiny of the USA right now. The destiny of America hangs in the balance. The Lord is calling His people to arise and pray for the United States of America. It is time to contend."

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hillary Clinton Is Not A Woman and Far Left From Being A Lady!

“I suppose it’s fair to say: don’t you someday want to see a woman president?” Thus asks Hillary Clinton, newly declared for the presidency. Or is that re-declared?

The problem? Hillary Clinton isn’t a woman. And any Republican who is running for president who thinks she is will deserve the loss coming their way.

What is Hillary Clinton? She is in fact… ready? A liberal. A plain, garden-variety left-wing liberal. I know, I know. She looks like a woman. But as conservatives have long since learned, looking like a woman doesn’t make you a woman.

I learned this myself years ago in a battle over the nomination of a friend of mine to a seat on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. He had a lot of supporters who happened to be women. They were professionals. Lawyers and serious lawyers at that, active in the legal profession with considerable professional reputations and accomplishments. But, alas.

In the course of the battle, the far-left National Organization for Women asked for a meeting with then-Senator Arlen Specter to make clear their opposition to the nominee. Specter couldn’t make the meeting, but had his chief of staff — a woman — hold the meeting in his office. In came the NOW representatives. The discussion was on. At some point the Senator’s chief of staff noted for the record that my friend the nominee had considerable support from women, and named one — a lawyer and head of the local bar association — by name. Snapped one of the NOW visitors? “She’s not a woman. She’s a lawyer.” The Specter chief of staff, as noted a professional woman herself, could only shake her head in disbelief. The nominee won — and the women lawyers helped him carry the day. But that they were looked down on by the left-wing NOW ladies there was no doubt.

By now this belief as to who is and who is not a woman is embedded in the liberal media. Look no further than bile dished on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Who certainly looks like a woman to me. But, we learned in 2008 and ever after, Governor Palin really isn’t a woman. First of all, she opposes abortion. Worse, instead of aborting her own child when she learned she was carrying a developmentally challenged little boy, she -gasp! — had the baby anyway. How unwomanly!

Rest assured that if ex-Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina makes progress in the GOP presidential primaries and winds up on the GOP ticket we will all learn that, yes, really, Fiorina isn’t a woman either. Alert the media!

Over there at the National Review the always astute Jim Geraghty has penned a spot-on observation titled: “The Skewed View of America Inside the Progressive Bubble.”In which Geraghty, in Nashville for the gathering of the NRA, points out the following:

The cultural gap between those who vote in the Republican presidential primaries and those who cover the candidates in those primaries is now a chasm.

… A lot of members of the media who are covering the GOP presidential candidates have exceptionally little in common with the voters who will select the Republican nominee. Thus, when the Republican candidates make their pitch to grassroots conservatives, the hot-take instant analysis from the big media voices usually concludes that the pitch was a belly flop. But the GOP candidates aren’t trying to win votes in the New York and D.C. newsrooms, and in a spectacular failure of empathy and understanding, a lot of reporters simply can’t grasp the hopes, fears, and priorities of GOP-leaning voters in places like Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina… and Tennessee. 

If you’re a particular kind of snot-nosed urban progressive, the NRA Convention — this year held in the country-music capital of the world, Nashville — is the perfect opportunity for smug eye-rolling, relished disdain, and incredulous scoffing that people actually live and think like this in the year 2015.

Geraghty is right. What he is describing is exactly the reaction of those NOW women in Arlen Specter’s office years ago. These leftist women were, Geraghty’s phrase but one that has particular resonance, “snot-nosed urban progressives” of exactly the type being described in the cyber-pages of National Review. They look at the NRA (not to mention the women of the NRA) as a visitor to the zoo would view the animals.

Culturally speaking, the NOW types and their female targets in that judicial fight would have appeared to have a lot in common. But in fact, the modern left, entirely dependent on identity politics for its sustenance, has strict standards as to who can claim group identity. And if — like those female Pennsylvania lawyers or Sarah Palin or, as she will soon learn, Carly Fiorina — you have deviated in some way from the approved group identity of far-left liberalism — you are toast. In this case — you are no longer a woman. Yes, you may look like a woman. But in fact, you really aren’t one because otherwise you could never leave the group.

In fact, this belief applies to all other “identities” in the identity group business. Justice Clarence Thomas or Dr. Ben Carson? They’re not really black. Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio — both Cuban Americans? They would be “LINO’s” — Latinos In Name Only.

What can Republicans learn from this? Stop treating Hillary Clinton like a woman and treat her as she really is: a left-leaning liberal. Mrs. Clinton is going to be portrayed by all those, as Geraghty calls them, “snot-nosed progressive” journalists whose lives center around New York and Washington, as What Only A Real Woman Can Be.

Approved views on abortion? Check. Gay marriage? Now that she’s (belatedly) on board — check. Then there’s that speech at Georgetown awhile back, a speech in a larger discussion of female leadership in which Clinton praised the ability of women to empathize with others. Said the Secretary of State who was so certain her “re-set” button presentation to her Russian counterpart would bring success:

“This is what we call smart power. Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one's enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. That is what we believe in the 21st century will change — change the prospects for peace.” 

That’s a big one in the world of all these snooty progressives. Understanding the humanity of all those foreign bad guys? Check, check, and check again. Now that’s a real woman. (Which, of course, is why so many of these types and their leftist British counterparts hated Margaret Thatcher. The Iron Lady, but of course, was no woman!)

Mrs. Clinton’s very bus tour to Iowa is redolent of the liberal going to the zoo, venturing forth to see the local exotics who are so distasteful at those Upper East Side and Georgetown gatherings.

It’s time, more than time, for conservatives to stop going along with this particular trope of identity politics. Hillary Clinton is no more a woman than a lot of those men and women covering her are “journalists.” They are, like Hillary, liberals. They think like liberals. They associate with liberals. They swim in the liberal culture. All of which is exactly why they have spent the advent of Barack Obama giving him a pass for his considerable failures.

One of the most vivid aspects of the Obama era is the group-think that rushed to celebrate then-Senator Obama not because of his views or his background but his race. His left-wing associations with everybody from Jeremiah Wright to Bill Ayers to ACORN were ignored by a McCain campaign that was terrified of serious political discussion because they didn’t want to be called racists. In 2012 Mitt Romney made the same mistake, saying “I wish Obama would have succeeded because I want America to succeed.” The statement was an appalling example of the timidity of the GOP, refusing to acknowledge the hard-left views of Mr. Obama — otherwise why wish him success? Answer? Fear of the “R word”. 

Now it will be fear of the “W word.” And one can just hear the solemn GOP consultants (some of them the same ones who gave such horrendous advice to McCain and Romney) sagely advising that Mrs. Clinton’s womanhood must be respected. If in fact respectful treatment had been given Sarah Palin and any other woman who is a conservative (recall MSNBC’s Ed Schultz calling conservative talk radio show host Laura Ingraham a “a right-wing slut”) there might be something to the advice. But that isn’t what happens.

In a recent appearance on Fox and Friends Carly Fiorina said what should be, but hasn’t been, obvious to the GOP Establishment. It was two words: “Push back.” In other words, stop dealing with Hillary Clinton as a woman — and treat her for what she is. A professional, career-long left-wing liberal. Whose liberal policies as Secretary of State failed — and failed badly, leaving behind a world in chaos. 

Not only is this good strategy. Treating Hillary Clinton not as a woman but a liberal also happens to have the added advantage of being the truth.

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